Hello I'm
Lalitha Lakshman

As a coach, I believe fitness should be sustainable and something you can implement without having to sacrifice your health and enjoyment. I help men and women become their strongest self, by feeling and performing their best and getting the best results from the smallest of changes they bring into their regime.

Online coaching suits me well as i can help and educate people all over the globe, so that they can make this their lifestyle rather than look at it as a short term program.

Using this approach, i have successfully transformed over 1000 lives, changing habits and behaviours to bring in sustainable change!

Hello I'm Lalitha Lakshman

As a coach, I believe fitness should be sustainable and something you can implement without having to sacrifice your health and enjoyment. I help men and women become their strongest self, by feeling and performing their best and getting the best results from the smallest of changes they bring into their regime.

Online coaching suits me well as i can help and educate people all over the globe, so that they can make this their lifestyle rather than look at it as a short term program.

Using this approach, i have successfully transformed over 1000 lives, changing habits and behaviours to bring in sustainable change!

Hello I'm Lalitha Lakshman

As a coach, I believe fitness should be sustainable and something you can implement without having to sacrifice your health and enjoyment. I help men and women become their strongest self, by feeling and performing their best and getting the best results from the smallest of changes they bring into their regime.

Online coaching suits me well as i can help and educate people all over the globe, so that they can make this their lifestyle rather than look at it as a short term program.

Using this approach, i have successfully transformed over 1000 lives, changing habits and behaviours to bring in sustainable change!

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Success Stories

Certified strength and conditioning specialist – SCA certified
(NSCA in progress)

Personal Trainer Collective
(shredded by science) certified.

Certified strength and conditioning specialist – SCA certified
(NSCA in progress)

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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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